Ten Night Routine Habits: How to Sleep Better and Wake Up Energized

Once we shut the laptop and return home from the long day, our evening wind down begins! A relaxing night routine can significantly improve sleep quality, mental well-being, and overall productivity. Here are ten habits to help you develop your own effective and relaxing night routine and sleep peacefully:

  1. Set a Consistent Bedtime

  1. One of the most challenging tasks is going to bed at the same time every night, even on weekends! However, being consistent with your bedtime schedule helps regulate your internal clock and improves the quality of your sleep.

  2. Limit Screen Time

    • We all have done something detrimental: scrolling on our phones right before bed. The blue light emitted by our phones can interfere with our body's production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Refrain from checking social media or being on your phone for at least an hour before bed for a sound sleep.

  3. Prepare a Home Cooked Meal

    • We all have busy schedules, but making a home-cooked meal will support a well-balanced diet and reduce stress levels. Cooking at home allows you to make healthier choices, take time for yourself, and enjoy a meal that you prepared yourself!

  4. Plan for the Next Day

    • In order to have a successful morning routine, you need to spend some time preparing your night routine. Make your life easier in the morning by laying out your clothes, preparing your lunch, or writing a to-do list. This can reduce morning stress and help you sleep worry-free!

  5. Stretch and Foam Roll Your Body

    • After a demanding day, your body needs time to calm down and prepare for the night. Spending 5-10 minutes at night stretching or foam rolling your body will improve blood flow and relieve muscle tension. This will allow your muscles to recover from the day and improve your quality of sleep. Try adding Alo Magnesium Reset Spray to the bottom of your feet before bed!

  6. Develop a Skincare Routine

    • Spend some time caring for your skin. Take a warm shower and hydrate with nourishing body care. We love the body collection from Osea Malibu. Follow up with soothing and gentle skincare before heading to bed.

  7. Create a Relaxing Environment

    • Turn your bedroom into a space ready for deep sleep. Lower the temperature, lower the lights, and create a quiet environment. We love using a red light lamp to help calm our mind and body down for rest.

  8. Write Down Your Thoughts

    • As you slip into bed, utilize a journal to jot down any thoughts, worries, or plans for the next day. This can help clear your mind and reduce stress. Our favorite, Five Minute Journal, is the simple tool you need to reflect on your day and see all that you have accomplished.

  9. Read a Calming Book

    • Reading a light-hearted book can be a great way to wind down without the stimulating effects of screens. It will relax your mind and allow you to settle in for a good night's sleep.

  10. Practice Meditation

    • Engage in a guided meditation. We use the Open app to foster inner peace, allowing the mind and body to be fully relaxed. Mindful practices like meditation will help you be more present, feel connected with yourself, and release all of your worries before entering a deep sleep.

Hopefully, this serves as a reminder or sparks motivation to create a night routine you truly enjoy and sets you up for bedtime. Start by incorporating a few of these habits into your evening. You will notice that your mind and body will feel more relaxed and ready for a rejuvenating night's sleep, setting a positive tone for the next day!

Check out our product page HERE to browse our favorite nighttime self-care products that have elevated our evening routine!


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