The Simple 10-Step Morning Routine For A Productive Day

How you start your morning will set the tone for the rest of your day. Incorporating healthy habits into your morning routine will put you in a positive and motivated mindset to accomplish all of your tasks. Here is a step-by-step routine and tips for being your most productive self!

  1. Wake Up Naturally: Although most of us still need an alarm to ensure we don’t stay sound asleep, consistency and proper rest can encourage your body to start waking up more naturally. Letting your sleep cycle come to completion will allow you to feel refreshed and energized for the day.

TIP: Instead of a harsh phone alarm, we suggest a sunrise clock for a gentler rise from bed. We love this one from Hatch

2. Limit Phone Exposure: It’s easy to grab your phone when shutting off your alarm and immediately check your email, social media, or texts. But, waiting at least an hour after waking to check your phone will allow your mind to ease into the morning instead of starting the day in a stressed state.

3. Hydrate: We all know hydration is important, but getting yourself a glass of water first thing upon waking is beneficial in replenishing your body after a night’s rest. Try 16oz water with lemon for a refreshing kickstart to your metabolism.

4. Meditate: As you sip on your water, practice meditation to clarify and balance your mind. By observing your thoughts, you can acknowledge any negativity, release it, and feel an inner sense of calmness and openness for the day ahead.

TIP: Not sure how to start your meditation practice? Check out our favorite app, Open, for guided meditations using our code AIREOPEN30 for 30 days free.

5. Gratitude + Intention Setting: With an open and peaceful mind, bring out your favorite journal and free any lingering emotions, or jump right into gratitude and intention setting. Reflecting on the things you have in your life and goal setting will improve your mood and motivation to tackle the day.

TIP: An easy, daily journal prompt can be:

Three things I am grateful for today…

Intention for the day…

This prompt was inspired by our favorite Five Minute Journal by Intelligent Change.

6. Sunlight: Now, step outside and expose yourself to the natural sunlight. This will signal your body that it’s time to wake up, promoting alertness and increased energy levels. Your mood will be lifted, starting your day off on the right foot.

7. Stretching + Movement: Moving your body in the morning helps you feel strong and accomplished before your day has even started. This form of self-care will encourage further healthy daily choices with a focused and energized mindset.

8. Get Dressed: Pajamas are associated with slowing down and sleepiness. That is the opposite of how you want to feel when starting your day. Choose an outfit that motivates you. The goal is to set yourself up physically to focus on being your most productive self. When you look good, you feel good.

9. Eat A Filling Breakfast: You just exercised. Don’t skip out on fueling your body. Even if you didn’t have a killer workout, remembering to nourish your body with food that makes you feel your best will help you stay focused throughout your day. With a balanced plate of protein, healthy fats, fiber, and carbohydrates, you are already setting yourself up for success.

10. Connect With Loved Ones: Before heading out the door, reach out to someone you love. Tell them you are thinking of them or wish them well. A simple text, call, or conversation with a friend or family member will not only make you feel good but make someone else feel loved as they begin their day.

Consistency is critical to forming healthy habits. Follow this routine or use it as a guide for your own morning routine. The most important thing is implementing habits to set you up for a productive and fulfilling day while promoting overall well-being!


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